
| dimanche 9 juin 2013


The sheep is a domesic herbivore mammal of the family Bovidae , the subfamily Caprinae Ovis and gender. the young animal is the lamb , the female and the male sheep is a ram .
the sheep is one of the first animals to be domesticated , and is especially appreciated for its wool and meat . Sheep's wool is the fiber of animal origin most commonly used is harvested by cutting with shears

1 commentaires:

  1. I noticed that you republished my photo of an Icelandic sheep on this page (tenth one down from the top).

    While I appreciate the fact that you thought my photograph was good enough to republish, I would very much like it if you could attribute and link to the image's original source.

    The photograph was originally published at Could you please link to this page or our homepage, and attribute Vagabond Journey Travel as the source?

    Sample attribution:

    Photo used courtesy of Vagabond Journey Travel


    Photo originally published at Vagabond Journey



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